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BizTrend delivers Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and benchmarking tools via a visual snapshot of your company’s financials. It is provided via the web so there is no hardware or software to install.

Currently, BizTrend provides its Dashboard Platform through authorized partners. For further information call 1-866-824-8977 or email



For Your Clients

  • Gives an easy overview of the health and direction of the organization direct from today’s financial statements.

  • Allows the management team to make decisions on current financial data without making extra work for the accounting department.

  • All the data is automatically uploaded from your QuickBooks files as needed and displayed in chart, graph or report format.


For Your CPA or Business Coach

  • BizTrend’s dashboard is an excellent monitoring tool that provides constant access to your clients financial data in an easy to understand visual format and facilitates collaboration between your staff and your client.

  • Monitor cash flow, revenue, profitability, return on investment, or any business drivers that can be derived from the financial accounting files displayed as charts, graphs or in report format.

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